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A poem for my mom

There can be no other,
like a mother,
Whether sister or brother.
Change is inevitable,
Everything changes with
 passage of time,
But mother is same in every weather.
There can be no other like a mother.
In journey of our life,
We meet so many people,
Having different tastes,values& thinking.
Amongst all,mother is the best soother.
There can be no other like a mother.
She is really the best teacher,
Not only the best teacher,
She is also the best preacher.
There can be no other like a mother.
In the heat of life,
mother is best cooler.
In the harshness of life,
She is actually the soft butter.
There can be no other,like a mother.
When we miss the right path in life
Then she is our true controller.
In fact she is our real dollar.
Even in our defeat,
She is the one,who will not fleet.
She will treat us in each &every best
Possible manner.
Really she is the one,
Who is our true planner.
There can be no other,like a mother.
What we do,she is our best monitor
What we want to say,
She is great listener.
What we want to see,
She provides us best picture.
What we want to learn,
She is our best trainer.
There can be no other,like a mother.
Teachers may teach us,
Father may guide us.
But she teaches,guides& loves too.
In our life,she is best feature.
She accepts our every Victory &defeat.
She is the only one,who will never cheat.
She never changes,if we commit any blunder.
It is better not to argue, good to surrender.
She is the one,who shapes our character.
For our every query,she is the best possible answer.
There can be no other,like a mother.
To fulfill our dreams,
She is the one,who gives us soft feather.
Mistakes which we do in our life,
She is a powerful eraser.
Mother was best,mother is best,
Mother will be best,
Undoubtedly she is beat care taker.
Think &realize,how supreme power,
Created her& in what way she is empower.
There can be no other,like a mother.
When mother performs her every duty in her best way,then why can't we???
In the evening of her life,what she wants,she must see.
Responsibility is the sister of right.
Better accept this fact,not to fight.
Right & responsibility are two sides of some coin,we must bother.
There can be no other,like a mother,
Whether sister or brother.
Mother is the second God on this earth for every generation.
We must thankful to God for his best creation.
She is the one,who gives us best &vast exposure.
There can be no other like a mother.
                    Sneh premchand


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