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DESTRUCTION &CREATION(( thought by Sneh premchand)

The destruction and creation grow up in the lap of the teacher.
He can change the life of disciple not just he is preacher

Because of Guru Ram Krishna  Paramhansa, his disciple Vivekananda became a very great personality
He nueshis his desiple with solidity

Guru, Chanakya was the one who built the character of Chandgupta Maurya. 

Guru is mentor,guide,support,sarthi and teacher
In disciple life he is a strong feature

The disciple is a lump of raw clay, only the Guru brings good results to the disciple and leads to every possible improvement. 
This is reward for the disciple of the foremost Guru. 

A Hanuman is hidden within every disciple. The Guru knows this truth. Guru awakes Hanuman who oftenly sleeps inside us
Guru knows our capabilities and our potential.He moulds our  character in right direction.when we r trapped in any chakrvyuh it is only Guru who shows us the exit way

The Guru knows every possible possibility.
This is the science of Guru and disciple relation

If Drona was the Guru, then Arjuna became the best archer. 

There is partiality in his dealings with Ekalavya. Guru is Shakti. Guru is an inspiration. 

True knowledge cannot attain without Guru. 

Respect for the Guru should always be in the mind, in reality,. It is not the job of the Guru to just give the knowledge to disciples he resolve to impart the values ​​of knowledge and education on their shoulders. Such a Guru should call for success, to awaken self-confidence and to inspire. The Guru should do all this by getting the resources sealed and removing all the demerits of the selfless disciple. It is really the job of the Guru to highlight the virtues. It is not for nothing that it is said that there is no Guru greater than the Guru in seven islands & nine sections. We are drops of the ocean in front of Guru. 
Well-being can come from the Guru who can recognize our talent. The one who gives improvement in this world  is the true Guru. He is the savior.

 I really do not see any teacher greater than the mother. Mother is the most beautiful and most loving relative of the child in this world.

 Guru Ved Vyas created Shri Sukhdev, Guru Nanak created Bhai Bala Tansen created Baiju Bwanra,Ravishanker  created George Harrison.  Guru's knowledge in various fields has made them all a diamond,guru is sculptor. 

Know what is the place of Guru in life. The disciple should also have the ability to accept. The world should understand the disciple & guru relationship. 
Vishwamitra created Dashrath sons.The whole world knows the power and impact of Ram in common man's life.
In every direction  only one word echos


  1. Wow what a beautiful poem on this great day Purnima... it's marvelous.... Your mind blowing thought process and art to write them give a realistic touch with every line you cover-up all great Guru of the world in this .. heart touching poem..

    As like always your best virtue also reflect in this poem as u mention your “MOTHER ”..
    IN MY OPINION you are the best daughter of your mother..
    G _ive a path of light in darkness
    U_nit of happiness
    R_emove badness and sadness
    U_niform a character of kindness .


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