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RATAN TATA SUNSHINE(( homage by Sneh peremchand))

"In charity, like Karna,
 a shelter for the helpless,
In hard work, like Madhav,
 Ina commitment like Raghav
I see all these qualities in one person,
That person is only & only Ratan Tata.

Ethics & values r more impotant than money
Ratan Tata always taught us

Believe me, it's hard to find someone,
Who achieves so much in one life.
From humble beginnings to building an empire,
Only a few  who struggle so hard in life

kindness all were ur dear friends 

With every step, he climbed the ladder of success,
Each effort opened doors to achievement.
Like Arjun, he aimed high,
Following the message of the Gita.

Selfless, he walked the path of duty,
A shining star, illuminating lives.
His love for voiceless animals,
Shows the kindness of his heart.

His words are etched in our minds,
"Take revenge not by fighting, but by succeeding."
His philosophy of life teaches us,
To live with purpose and integrity.

What we bring to this world is not important,
But what we leave behind is.
Ratan Tata's words inspire us,
To live a life of value and contribution.

I want to be remembered,
As someone who never hurt anyone.
Whatever I do, I do with honesty,
This principle has guided me throughout.

Donating ₹15 crore during COVID-19,
His generosity knows no bounds.
In charity, like Karna,
In kindness, like Madhav,
In hard work, like Raghav 
Ratan Tata embodies all.

Earn so much that expensive things seem cheap,
But remember, respect is more valuable.
Every word of his is etched in our hearts,
A shining example of humanity.

Learn from Ratan Tata's life,
And follow in his footsteps.
He taught us to be selfless,
To live for others.

Simple living, high thinking,
Leadership, and generosity,
Ratan Tata's legacy inspires us,
To live a life of purpose and values.

You are irreplaceable, Ratan Tata,
Your stories will live on forever.
Simplicity, humility, and leadership,
Your life is a guiding light for us.

What a magnificent person you were,
Ratan Tata, a shining star forever."


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