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Showing posts with the label mother is mother

Why mother is impotant in our life (thought by Sneh premchand)

*There can be no other,like a mother, wheather sister or brother.* Mother is the oxigen of life.            If life is heart,mother is heartbeat.Mother reads our face,our eyes,our heart,our mind,our thinking process every thing.She knows the path of sucess,path of our happiness and path of our bright future. She is the strongest bridge on the river of our life.she is backbone of life's structure.she sacrifices her needs for our comforts.she 0 pp rainbow of seven best colours; Love,care,stamina,hard work,sacrifice,sincere,a true guardian.Mother is umbrella who saves us from rain and rays. Mother is the most valuable lifeline. *जाड़े की गुनगुनी सी धूप है मां सबसे प्यारा,सबसे न्यारा रूप है मां* God is with us in her form.We are blessed if mother is in our dances,smiles and cherish with the love of mother.It is rightly said; एक अक्षर के छोटे से शब्द में, सिमटा हुआ है पूरा जहान। न कोई था,न कोई है,न कोई होगा मां से बढ़ कर कभी महान।। We are reflections o...

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