I wish the morning of October 29, 2008 had never come. God is selfish and he always wants the best and you were one. He wants big-hearted and wonderful people close to him and that is why he took you away from us. We all miss you ma. I have never met anyone with a will power as strong as yours. You went out of your way to help anyone and everyone. You lived every moment and taught us the same. Your smile was contagious and your love unconditional. You taught me so much, right from sewing a button to painting my nails. You overcame every obstacle that came your way and left behind a learning that there will be dawn after a storm. I know you walk beside us, every single day. Unheard and unseen, showering your blessings and love, protecting us and helping us sail in this journey of life. We owe you a lot ma, you made us. Miss you ma and love you forever and ever... लम्हा लम्हा कर बीते बरस 15 तुम को हमसे बिछड़े हुए यादें कभी जाती नहीं जेहन से, यादों के गुल आज भ...