We is always better than I We is always better than I Itโs a hard fact, not a fun, not a lie. We are not supposed to live forever, certainly one day we have to die. We is always better than I Life is like a hotel, we have to stay for a little and then we have to go from here. When nothing is permanent in this temporary world, then from whom one needs to scare? For a fixed span of time, we have a certain part to play. When our role is over, we are not allowed for a second to stay. When everything is so clear to us then why donโt we learn to share. May sorrows and joys embrace each other, and everyone should learn the lesson of love and care. Whole world will be well, when love will touch the limit of time. Love knows no boundaries of caste,creed,religion and place. To each other Real lovers always give space. Greed, ego, jealousy and selfishness will automatically die. Heavan will permanant stay from earth to sky. we is always better than I We is always better tha...